Some K518ISE Key Programmer
user feed back that When start K518ise device the first time, it comes
up “Device abn” problem and can’t go any further. Here is the solution:
Try to press “Settings” button and “Return arrow” button.
At the same time for 4 seconds.
See if it comes up with a screen which involves “Newest AKP” and “Oldest AKP”.
Choose “Oldest AKP”
(I am thinking of this could be the solution to ACM kernel problem, if you can reset it somehow).
It will come up with a screen “loading”.
Then a text either in Chinese (even if the text before Oldest AKP was English) or English.
“Connect server failed, please set up network”
Then you will choose the “OK”.
And the Car Key Programmer will start up in English, and let connect to the internet and register.
And then do the updates.
Available with a wide range of car key programmer if lost your car key; also with some car key copier if you want to make a copy of a car key with the old key. Supplying some car key programmer that works with dozens of cars made, also owing some purposely-designed car key maker for BMW and Mercedes Benz, like AK300 BMW CAS key maker, AK90 BMW EWS key programmer, AK500 programmer both for Mercedes Benz and BMW. If you have any questiones, please contact us